
Honor and Memorial Gifts

Gifts to Zoo Atlanta are a wonderful way to mark a special occasion, or to make a tribute to a friend or family member. You may also celebrate the life of a special pet or beloved animal at Zoo Atlanta. When an honor gift is made, the honoree receives a letter informing them of a contribution to Zoo Atlanta in their honor*. When a memorial gift is made, the family of the deceased receives a letter informing them of the memorial tribute*.

For more information, call 404-624-5627 or email

*Please allow 10-15 business days for letters notifying recipients of honor and memorial donations to be mailed.


Donation Information
$ 250.00
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
$ 25.00
Additional Information
Billing Information
Matching Gifts
Tribute Information
Please select the tribute type ("in memory of" or "in honor of") from the drop-down menu below. Then provide the first and last name of the person of whom your donation is in tribute. You may also celebrate the life of a special pet or beloved animal at Zoo Atlanta. Please put the animal's first name in the "first name" box. If the animal was in the Zoo Atlanta family, please include the species in the "last name" box below so we can direct those funds to enrichment. (i.e. First Name: “Ozzie”, Last Name: “Gorilla").