
Zoo Wish List

By purchasing items on our keeper-requested Animal Wish List, you can help create dynamic environments for the animals at Zoo Atlanta. From enrichment items to helpful veterinary technologies, you can be assured your selection will greatly benefit the animals at YOUR Zoo!

Scroll down to browse and shop – there’s an item for every budget, and items will be shipped directly to the Zoo! Items will change seasonally, so check back periodically to see what’s new. Visit often to see your generosity in action! 


Ground Hornbill House - $30,000 (need 1)

This new structure will replace Zazu and Gumby's housing on the main spine and will be modified for their geriatric needs. 


Lizard Condo - $3,363 (need 6)

This is a multi-level condo for our critically endangered Guatemalan beaded lizards to play, hide and relax in comfort. This giant unit also has wheels for the lizards on the go and to help with cleaning. The condo is complete with special hide drawers to expand their indoor habitat.

Orangutan Feeder - $2,000 (need 2)

This is a heavy-duty feeder that is custom-made especially for orangutans. These hanging feeders require the orangutans to use sticks to obtain food and solve puzzles. 


Tree Log Tunnel- $900 (need 1)

This will be new furniture for the southern ground hornbill habitat. They will be able to climb on it, crawl through it, look out of it, and bang on it with their beaks!


Substrate Delivery- $500 (always in need)

Our sun bears and giant otters enjoy utilizing different substrates for enrichment, especially for digging and foraging (sun bears) and rolling, rubbing and drying off (otters). This item will cover the delivery of substrates such as dirt, mulch, or sand from a local landscaping company.

Parrot Perch- $400 (need 2)
This is a giant handmade tree stand that is cut from a single piece of wood. It provides several hooks and eyes to hang enrichment and will be utilized for playtime and programs with Ambassador Birds, including the stars of our bird presentation, the parrots.  

Snack Shack- $375 (need 2)
This is the ultimate hangout spot for binturongs! Made from food-grade plastic and provides a shady spot to eat, sleep, hide or dream. 

Hoofstock Feeders- $147 (always in need)
Giraffes, zebras and warthogs don't like to eat the same way twice! This item will purchase log feeders, honeycomb feeders and other puzzle feeders to keep them entertained and full of snacks. 

Carnivore Enrichment $75 (always in need)
By purchasing this item, you are helping to restock the enrichment shed for our carnivores. Lions, tigers, sun bears, otters, clouded leopard, fossa, binturongs and other carnivores would benefit from these smaller keeper-requested items which might include puzzles, treat feeders, hanging toys and more. 

Turtle Sandbox- $62 (need 1)
This large sandbox will be used for several large bird species, including southern ground hornbills, to provide foraging opportunities in different substrates. 

Live Plants- $60 (always in need)
The Bird Department would like more live plants to transform the indoor portion of the Avian Propagation Center into a naturalistic jungle for the birds residing there! This will increase the birds’ breeding success and improve their overall well-being.

Orangutan Puzzles - $55 (always in need)
The Primate Team has requested both metal and PVC puzzle feeders for hanging and climbing. This is a great way for orangutans to engage in natural foraging behaviors and have fun! 

Binturong enrichment - $52 (always in need)
The binturong family is growing and climbing. Help us renovate the habitat with various perches, ramps, hammocks and climbing structures suggested by the Carnivore Team.

Hoofstock Enrichment - $50 (always in need)
By purchasing this item, you are helping to restock the enrichment shed for our hoofstock animals. Giraffes, zebras and warthogs would love new foraging items! 

Artificial Plants $49 (always in need)
Help spruce up some Scaly Slimy Spectacular habitats. The Herpetology Department is always in need of artificial plants. They are good at providing hiding spots and climbing opportunities for many reptiles and amphibians.

Scent Enrichment - $30 (always in need)
Our Carnivore Team is running low on our supply of scents (colognes, perfumes, spices etc). The big cats and fossa are very sensory-oriented. Being able to provide a wide variety of sensory opportunities is one way we keep everyone mentally enriched. This will purchase Zoo-approved scents with high-quality ingredients that the animals love!  

Orangutan Enrichment - $26 (always in need)
This category will purchase one of the following small enrichment items requested by the Primate Department: chalk, paper lawn bags, non-toxic bubble bath, large plastic buckets, large mirrors, durable plastic dumbbells, and building supplies for enrichment. The orangutans are very creative and enjoy drawing with chalk and playing with bubbles!

Gorilla Enrichment - $25 (always in need)
This category will purchase one of the following small enrichment items requested by the Primate Department: Alfalfa bags, boomer balls, quick links, Kong toys or dip feeders. 

Wish list Donation Information
$ 30,000.00
$ 3,363.00
$ 2,000.00
$ 900.00
$ 500.00
$ 400.00
$ 375.00
$ 147.00
$ 77.00
$ 75.00
$ 62.00
$ 60.00
$ 55.00
$ 52.00
$ 50.00
$ 49.00
$ 30.00
$ 26.00
$ 25.00
Additional Information
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